AirSTAR, the 3-in1 platform for Cold Property testing.

AirSTAR is the platform that offers the 3 different Cold Property tests Cold Filter Plugging Point, Cloud Point, and Pour Point. Each of these tests is performed using the same ColdBlock integrated cooling unit and the same software user interface. Swapping CFPP Heads and CPPP Heads is easy!

AirSTAR installation types:

– AirSTAR Cold Filter Plugging Point Analyzer

AirSTAR ColdBlock
AirSTAR CFPP Head + consumable kit
Cleaning Docking Station (recommended – not required)

– AirSTAR Cloud & Pour Point Analyzer

AirSTAR ColdBlock
AirSTAR CPPP Head + consumable kit

– AirSTAR 3-in-1 Analyzer (CFPP, CP, PP)

AirSTAR ColdBlock
AirSTAR CFPP Head + consumable kit
AirSTAR CPPP Head + consumable kit
Cleaning Docking Station (recommended – not required)

Tip: Heads & ColdBlocks can always be added to an existing installation at any later time!

Methods: ASTM D6371, ASTM D97, ASTM D2500, ASTM D5853, ASTM D6892, EN 116, IP 309, JIS K2288, EN 16329 (linear cooling method)



Cold Filter Plugging Point Head

All the aspects and parts required for Cold Filter Plugging Point testing are housed inside the CFPP Head.


The small yet advanced vacuum system measures and controls the (negative) pressure in real-time throughout every individual sample aspiration.

Unique is AirSTAR’s ability to store the actual-used vacuum per each aspiration.

Tip: any uncertainty on vacuum during a test can be settled by looking at the vacuum profiles of individual aspirations.

Sample detection

Small laser lights – one in the bottom and two in the top of the pipette – ensure accurate detection of the sample.

The pipette-lock ensures that the pipette sits securely within the detection zone, and the smart self-adjusting algorithm is perfectly able to deal with condensation in the bottom.

Temperature probe

Standard delivery includes an in-glass Pt100. Optionally a metal probe is available.

With a simple click the thermometer is put in position. The built-in chip stores both its unique ID and the calibration data to ensure that whichever thermometer is connected, the CFPP Head reads the correct temperatures.

Pipette, test jar & filter

In between tests and during the cleaning cycles, the pipette typically stays inside the CFPP Head, making it less prone to break.

Removing the test jar for cleaning is easy.

The filter sieve mesh is 45 micron and as a consumable available in 2 versions:

  • Fixed-pressed in the filter holder (filter sieve itself non-replaceable)
  • Loose-pressed in the filter holder (filter sieve replaceable)


Cleaning is most easy using AirSTAR’s Cleaning-Docking station.

After the test, dispose the sample and remove the filter. Then simply put the CFPP Head in the Cleaning-Docking station and push the little button on top of the Head.

After the cleaning cycles are finished, remove the cleaning beaker and start the drying cycle by pushing the button again.

Wireless power

The CFPP Head is powered via induction when placed in the ColdBlock or the Cleaning-Docking Station.

Because the ColdBlock recognizes which Head is physically placed on top, a “multiple-Head” installation is not a problem. The entire wire-free design makes operation and swapping Heads easy.

Tip: As a solution called “CFPP Automator”, the CFPP Head can be used on an existing manual CFPP cooling bath, thereby automating the Cold Filter Plugging Point test.

The CFPP Automator installation requires an iPad, a CFPP Head, a bath support ring and a Wifi router for local connection between iPad and CFPP Head.



Cloud Point Head, Pour Point Head

All the aspects and parts required for Cloud & Pour Point testing are housed inside the hand-held CPPP Head.


An advanced camera looks down from the top into the jar. Because it sees through the entire sample (Cloud Point) and looks at the entire sample surface (Pour Point), the detection is not limited to only a single spot in the sample.

AirSTAR’s CPPP camera mimics the human eye observation in the manual methods ASTM D2500 (Cloud Point) and ASTM D97 (Pour Point).

Lifting and tilting of the jar

The CPPP Head lifts the jar out from the bath at every test interval (both with Cloud and Pour Point). With the Pour Point it also tilts the jar when it is in its top position.

These motions mimic the procedures of the manual methods ASTM D2500 and D97.

As an additional benefit: operators can see the sample with their own eyes at every test interval to verify that the camera’s detection is indeed accurate.

Temperature probe

Standard delivery includes two metal probes. A longer probe, for the Cloud Point test, and a shorter version for the Pour Point test.

With a simple click the thermometer is put in position. A built-in chip inside the probe stores:

  • Its unique ID
  • A tag that says whether it is a Cloud or a Pour point probe. Upon starting a test the Head checks whether the correct probe type is connected
  • Its unique calibration data to ensure that whichever thermometer is connected, the CPPP Head reads the correct temperatures

Test jar

The test jar is connected to the Head by a ring of magnets. It is stable during the test and easy to remove / attach.

Wireless power

The CPPP Head is powered via induction when placed in the ColdBlock or the Cleaning-Docking Station.

Because the ColdBlock recognizes which Head is physically placed on top, a “multiple-Head” installation is not a problem. The entire wire-free design makes operation and swapping Heads easy.

Tip: As a solution called “CPPP Automator”, the CPPP Head can be used on an existing manual CPPP cooling bath, thereby automating the Cloud or Pour Point test.

The CPPP Automator installation requires an iPad, a CPPP Head, a bath support ring and a Wifi router for local connection between iPad and CPPP Head.



Cloud Point Head

For Cloud Point-only testing. Similar to the CPPP Head but without the Pour Point (lifting) functionality.

AirSTAR ColdBlock

AirSTAR ColdBlock

Integrated Cooling Unit for CFPP Head, CPPP Head, and CP Head

ColdBlock is AirSTAR’s cooling system. No external chiller is required, even when cooling down to -105˚C.

Stirling cooler

Based on the free piston stirling cooler principle, AirSTAR’s ColdBlock is both efficient and powerful. Homogeneous cooling of the bath jacket is guaranteed by special-designed heat pipe technology.

User interface

Operation is easy with the built-in iPad and in-house developed iLabCB app. Along with easy navigation the app includes:

  • Pre-installed and customizable methods
  • Unique insight in test behavior:
    • Vacuum profile per every single CFPP aspiration
    • Anomalous aspiration highlight
    • “Not empty before next” highlight (CFPP-2)
    • Camera images of Cloud & Pour Point test intervals are saved in test result

Data handling options include export to LIMS / Windows PC and print PDF / kiosk printer. And with the 16Gb iPad, results storage is practically unlimited.

App- & firmware updates are always available free of charge.

Cooling profiles

The pre-installed methods contain the standard cooling profiles as prescribed in the corresponding test methods for Cold Filter Plugging Point, Cloud Point and Pour Point.

The ColdBlock is able to do both stepped cooling profiles (traditional) and Linear cooling profiles – for instance for the EN16329 CFPP method where it cools down with 30˚C/h.

Custom cooling profiles can be created in almost any form. From a simple “1-step at -90˚C” to complex multi-step profiles with heating, cooling and even linear steps all in one profile.

Wireless power

The ColdBlock is equipped with wireless power technology that supplies power to the CFPP / CPPP Head when it is placed on top. In a multiple-Head installation, the ColdBlock recognizes which individual Head is placed.