MATRIX-MG2 Gas Analysis System

MATRIX-MG2 Gas Analysis System

The MATRIX-MG2 features a 2 m multi-reflection gas cell and is designed for the quantification of gas compounds in a very broad concentration range.

The cell has a volume of 200 ml only and its nickel-plated surface allows the measurement even of corrosive gases. The MATRIX-MG2 is equipped with temperature and pressure sensors inside the gas cell and their measurement values are automatically read out and considered within the control software OPUS GA.

  •  2 m multi-reflection gas cell for the identification and quantification of gas concentrations in a broad concentration range
  • Volume inside the gas cell is 200 ml only
  • The nickel-plated gas cell enables the measurement even of corrosive gases
  • Accounts for variable pressure and temperature of the gas by sensors included inside the gas cell